In Kerala State Civil Service, there are two types of service organizations, which are regulated by government servants Conduct Rules. One is intended for the non-gazetted officers and the other is for gazetted officers. Memberships to these organizations are restricted to the respective category of officers.

In Kerala State Service, gazetted officers form a separate category that propels the engines of the government and makes vital decisions for governance. At the inception almost all these officers were brought under one organization named Kerala Gazetted Officers Association. Gradually those elements having allegiance to communist crept in and grabbed the Leadership and Secular Democratic forces in the organization were sidelined. In the meantime, Smt. Indira Gandhi, the Iron Lady and worlds renowned stateswoman fell prey to the bullets of her gunman turned terrorist. Her tragic demise creates shock waves and people from all walks of life joined hands to mourn and pay homage to the departed soul. Accordingly a group from the assosiation requested leadership to adopt a condolence message on the death of our beloved national leader and Prime Minister who shed her last drop of blood to the unity and integrity of the nation. But those who are at the helm of the assosiation did not heed the request. This wild act of disrespect to a departed national leader could not be tolerable to the secular and democratic groups in the organization. They felt ashamed to continue any more in an organization which even denied their basic right. Hence they decide to form an organization which upholds democratic and human principles..

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